OPUR, un observatoire d'hydrologie urbaine en Île-de-France

Le programme OPUR était à l’ICUD 2024

par Administrateur site OPUR - publié le

Les conférences suivantes ont été présentées par plusieurs membres du programme OPUR :

  • How far can we rely on lined green infrastructures for urban runoff control ? A case study in Paris conurbation
    Jean-François Durmont, Jérémie Sage, Marie-Christine Gromaire
  • Interaction of micropollutants and bacteria in a constructed wetland treating road runoff
    Martin Seidl, Julia Roux, Noureddine Bousserrhine, Philippe Branchu, Marie-Christine Gromaire
  • Assessing the temporal evolution of hydrodynamic properties of a filtration media in a stormwater bioretention swale by using continuous monitoring
    Santiago Sandoval, Philippe Dubois, Mohamed Saad, Marie-Christine Gromaire
  • Stormwater management by urban trees : case of the SenseCity experimental device
    Hayath Zime Yerima, Martin Seidl, Abdelkader Bensaoud, Emmanuel Berthier, Marie-Christine Gromaire
  • Green roof evapotranspiration (ET) modeling : sensibility insights using a hydrological model
    Ahmeda Assan Ouedraogo, Emmanuel Berthier, Jérémie Sage, Marie-Christine Gromaire
  • Development and evaluation of Bioretention Stormwater Control Measures in TEB model to urban stormwater management
    José Tunqui Neira, Marie-Christine Gromaire, Katia Chancibault, Ghassan Chebbo
  • Runoff volume reduction performance of a pervious detention basin located in a shallow groundwater and low-permeability soil context
    Jérémie Sage, Gallis, Cédric Payet, Emmanuel Berthier
  • Hydrologic performance of bioretention systems with unfavourable underground conditions : complementing field monitoring with simple reservoir modelling for scenario analysis
    Tinghao Huang, Jérémie Sage, Didier Técher, Marie-Christine Gromaire
  • Towards a warning system for the microbiological quality assessment of bathing waters : high-frequency monitoring combined with hydrodynamic modelling
    Natalia Angelotti, Arthur Guillot–Le Goff, Leitão Rosa, Rémi Carmigniani, Malardé, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
  • Predicting water quality in urban rivers : Linking high frequency monitoring and spatial rainfall
    Arthur Guillot – Le Goff, Cartier, Rémi Carmigniani, Malardé, Mohamed Saad, Philippe Dubois, Einfalt, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite