Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (Leesu)

Recent publications

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Assessing water quality restoration measures in Lake Pampulha (Brazil) through remote sensing imagery
Alexandre Assunção, Talita Silva, Lino de Carvalho, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
, 2025, ⟨10.1007/s11356-025-35914-6⟩
Stock and vertical distribution of microplastics and tire and road wear particles into the soils of a high-traffic roadside biofiltration swale
Max Beaurepaire, Tiago de Oliveira, Johnny Gasperi, Romain Tramoy, Mohamed Saad, Bruno Tassin, Rachid Dris
, 2025, pp.126092. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2025.126092⟩
How to monitor and forecast microbiological quality in bathing sites in urban water bodies? The La Villette study site (Paris)
Arthur Guillot - Le Goff, Natalia Angelotti de Ponte Rodrigues, Rémi Carmigniani, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
, 2025, TSM 12/2024, pp.219-228. ⟨10.36904/tsm/202412219⟩
Modelling evapotranspiration in urban green stormwater infrastructures: Importance of sensitivity analysis and calibration strategies with a hydrological model
Ahmeda Assann Ouédraogo, Emmanuel Berthier, Jérémie Sage, Marie-Christine Gromaire
, 2025, 185, pp.106319. ⟨10.1016/j.envsoft.2025.106319⟩
Capacity of the Fungi Trichoderma Koningiopsis and Talaromyces Verruculosus for Hg Leaching, Immobilization and Absorption During the Dissolution of Cinnabar
Clarisse Balland, Vanessa Alphonse, My Dung Jusselme, Samir Abbad-Andaloussi, Noureddine Bousserrhine
, 2025, 5 (1), pp.12. ⟨10.3390/applmicrobiol5010012⟩

Supervisory authorities

Member of

Antoine Raoult

PhD student at Paris-Est Creteil University

1. Contact

Contact: antoine.raoult(AT) and antoine.raoult.p(AT)

Professional address: Leesu, Bâtiment MSE - Bureau 312, UPEC, Faculté des Sciences et Technologie, 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil cedex

Professional phone: —

Researchgate profile

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iDHAL and CV on HAL

2. Research topics

  • Biodegradability of organic matter.
  • Development of predictive models for organic matter in aquatic environments along the Seine axis, up-stream and downstream of the Parisian agglomeration.
  • Study of the organic matter spatio-temporal dynamics in the Seine watershed.

3. Research in progress

Title of my PhD thesis: “In situ and high frequency characterization of dissolved organic matter and its bio-degradability in aquatic environments by fluorescence spectroscopy”.

PhD Advisor : Gilles Varrault

PhD co-advisor: Angélique Goffin

This thesis is part of a research program of the SIAAP: the MeSeine Innovation program

The main objectives of my PhD thesis are to:

  1. Quantify the biodegradability of organic matter present in different types of water near the Parisian agglomeration, especially in urban discharges during rainy weather.
  2. Develop fluorescence spectroscopy as an innovative metrology method for organic matter in aquatic environments. This approach is based in particular on the deployment of the FLUOCOPEE probe, which makes it possible to study the fluorescence of organic matter in situ.

The results of these first two projects will contribute to research aimed at improving our understanding of biogeochemical processes related to organic matter in the Seine watershed.

4. Current teaching

  • At the IUT of Sénart Fontainebleau:
    • Laboratory work during the 2nd year of the BUT-SEE course

5. Collective responsibilities

6. Professional career

Period Position / Activity
Oct. 2022 – Nov. 2025 PhD preparation in environmental chemistry at Leesu - Université Paris-Est Créteil - Subjet : “In situ and high frequency characterization of dissolved organic matter and its biodegradability in aquatic environments by fluorescence spectroscopy” - PhD advisor: Gilles Varrault - PhD co-advisor: Angélique Goffin
Feb. – August 2022 Industrial internship in R&D at Veolia - Entropie; Topics: 1. Development of a dynamic simulator of a thermal desalination unit. 2. Participation in the development of new thermal processes - Tutor: Stéphane Masure
Apr. – August 2021 Research internship in environmental chemistry at the Laboratory for Environmental Geosciences (EDGE) of the University of Vienna (Universität Wien, Austria) - Subject: “Influence of environmental parameters on the sorption of ionizable organic pollutants”; Tutor: Dr. Gabriel Sigmund
Sept 2017 – August 2022 Engineering Degree specialized in Energy and Environmental Engineering at INSA Lyon

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