Assistant Professor - Université Paris-Est Créteil
LEESU - Université Paris-Est Créteil, École des ponts ParisTech, AgroParisTech
1. Contact
Contact: julien.le-roux(AT)
Phone: +33(0)1 82 39 20 80
Address: Faculté des Sciences et Technologie, MSE 307, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil Cedex
ORCID identifier
LinkedIn profile
ResearchGate profile
List of scientific communications (HAL)
Review activity (
2. Research themes
- Characterization and reactivity of natural waters, wastewater and organic micropollutants with oxidants used in water treatment. Reactivity of micropollutants with various oxidants/disinfectants (e.g., ozone, performic acid), kinetic studies, and mechanisms of disinfection by-product formation.
- Organic pollutants in surface waters and wastewaters. Degradation mechanisms of organic pollutants and identification of their transformation products (GC-MS and LC-MS analyses, high resolution mass spectrometry).
- Analytical chemistry and data processing. Development of extraction and analytical methods for organic micropollutants in complex matrices (wastewater, sewage sludge, urine...). Development of software tools for processing high-resolution mass spectrometry data.
3. Current research
- Tertiary treatment of organic micropollutants in wastewater effluents
- Carboplus project (SIAAP - SAUR): performances of an industrial activated carbon pilot in fluidized bed for the removal of organic micropollutants
- Potential use of ozone coupled to activated carbon
- Identification of degradation products (high resolution mass spectrometry)
- action R2.5 of the OPUR program about wastewater treatment by oxidation(ozonation, UV photolysis, peracids). PhD thesis supervision (Christelle Nabintu Kajoka). - Analytical chemistry
- Screenatm’eau project: Method developpement of non-target screening for the analysis of micropollutants by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry at the interface water/atmosphere
- ANR WaterOmics project: Characterization of urban organic by high resolution mass spectrometry. Supervision of PhD thesis (Nina Huynh)
- action R2.6 and O2 theme of the OPUR program : Lon-term characterization of wastewater by non-targert analyses (high resolution mass spectrometry)
- MeSeine Innovation program (action 2.2.2): Characterization of surface water contamination by combining non-targeted mass spectrometry analyses with ecotoxicological analyses. Supervision of PhD thesis(Julien Sade) - Pollutants behavior in urban systems
- ReFUJ project: PICRI Transformation of a urban brownfield to a park. Study of organic pollutants transfer from the soil to underground water. Simulations in column experiments and influence of hydrological conditions.
- Roulépur project: Adsorption isotherms of organic micropollutants (alkylphenols and bisphenol A) on soil from a sustainable urban drainage system
4. Current Teaching
- Courses and seminars of environmental physico-Chemistry (Undergraduate Licence 3 Physics-Chemistry, 1st year Master’s degree Environmental Sciences and Engineering, 2nd year Master’s degree Aquatic Systems and Water Management), tutor of field classes (M1 SGE).
- Atoms and molecules, general chemistry (undergraduate Licence 1, UPEC)
- Statistics (undergraduate Licence 2 Chemistry-Biology, UPEC), Satistics and computer tools (M2 SAGE)
- Industrial chemistry, distillation (Licence 3 Chemistry-Biology)
- Chemistry and electrochemistry (Ion Specific Electrodes), liquid chromatography, bibliographic review projects in English (Master 2 Analysis and Quality Assurance)
- Co-director of Master’s degree Analysis and Quality Assurance (AAQ) (chemistry)
5. Collective involvement
- Member of the organization committee of the conferences "Environmental Science Days", co-organized by Université Paris-Est Créteil (OSU Efluve) and Val de Marne department.
- Member of the scientific committee of the scientific congress "Water Information Days" organized by APTEN association in Poitiers (France)
- Member of the APTEN association bureau (secretary). APTEN is the alumni association of water treatment engineers from ENSI Poitiers engineering school.
6. Professional background
Dates | Position |
2015 | Assistant professor at LEESU |
2012-2014 | Post-doctoral fellow at the Water Desalination and Reuse Center (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) |
2011-2012 | Researcher and teaching lecturer at ENSIP and Université de Poitiers |
2008-2011 | PhD in Chemistry, specializing in water chemistry and microbiology (LCME, UMR6008, Université de Poitiers). Lecturer at ENSIP and Université de Poitiers |
2008 | Engineer from École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Poitiers (ENSIP, ex-ESIP) |