Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (Leesu)

Recent publications

--> Url version détaillée , Url version formatée Structure name contains or id is : "409065;155441;135971;102266;212248;578082", Publication type : "('ART')"
Unraveling Lake Geneva's hypoxia crisis in the Anthropocene
Laura M V Soares, Olivia Desgué-Itier, Cécilia Barouillet, Céline Casenave, Isabelle Domaizon, Victor Frossard, Nelson G Hairston, Andrea Lami, Bruno J Lemaire, Georges-Marie Saulnier, Frédéric Soulignac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Jean-Philippe Jenny
, 2025, ⟨10.1002/lol2.10435⟩
Litter in French urban areas—part 1: composition, sources, and spatio-temporal variations on urban surfaces
Lauriane Ledieu, Romain Tramoy, David Mabilais, Sophie Ricordel, Zoé Bridant, Eric Bouchet, Clémence Bruttin, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi
, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s11356-024-35203-8⟩
Unraveling Lake Geneva's hypoxia crisis in the Anthropocene
Laura M V Soares, Olivia Desgué‐itier, Cécilia Barouillet, Céline Casenave, Isabelle Domaizon, Victor Frossard, Nelson G Hairston, Andrea Lami, Bruno J Lemaire, Georges‐marie Saulnier, Frédéric Soulignac, Brigitte Vinçon‐leite, Jean‐philippe Jenny
, 2024, ⟨10.1002/lol2.10435⟩
Microplastic assessment in remote and high mountain lakes of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan
Maryem Mehboob, Rachid Dris, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi, Muhammad Usman Khan, Riffat Malik
, 2024, 365, pp.143283. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.143283⟩
État de l'art sur les déchets diffusés abandonnés en milieu urbain et transférés via les réseaux pluviaux
Lauriane Ledieu, Romain Tramoy, Clémence Bruttin, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi
, 2024, 9 / 2024, pp.66-79. ⟨10.36904/20240966⟩

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Séminaire de Manfred Schuetze le 16 février 2012

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Le séminaire du LEESU du 16 février 2012 à l’École des Ponts ParisTech (plan d’accès), était constitué d’une intervention de Manfred Schuetze (ifak Magdeburg research institute) intitulée : "Integrated modeling and simulation of the urban wastewater system".

Le résumé de la présentation est :
"Sewer systems, wastewater treatment plant and receiving water bodies (e. g. rivers) can be considered as the main parts of the urban wastewater system. Modeling them as one system has gained increased importance in recent years. The presentation outlines some key principles of integrated modeling, yet also of its challenges. Among the applications of integrated modeling is the evaluation of the performance of urban wastewater systems according to Environmentally Quality Objectives. Application of integrated modeling in practice is supported by the HSG guideline, which also will be outlined in the presentation. Furthermore, an outlook to other research activities of ifak Magdeburg research institute (including pollution-based real time control and water system modeling in megacities) will be given."

Le pdf de la présentation est disponible en cliquant ici (il faut être en intranet pour que cela fonctionne).