Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (Leesu)

Recent publications

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Phosphorus recycling from human excreta in French agroecosystems and potential for food self-sufficiency
Thomas Starck, Tanguy Fardet, Fabien Esculier
, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s10705-024-10367-4⟩
Monitoring microplastics in the Seine River in the Greater Paris area
Cleo Stratmann, Rachid Dris, Johnny Gasperi, Frans Buschman, Adriaan Markus, Sabrina Guerin, A. Dick Vethaak, Bruno Tassin
, 2024, 12, ⟨10.3389/feart.2024.1386547⟩
Litter in French urban areas — Part 2: transport dynamic and fluxes in stormwater
Lauriane Ledieu, Romain Tramoy, David Mabilais, Sophie Ricordel, Marie-Laure Mosini, Alexandra Mosset, Bernard Flahaut, Laetitia Pineau, Zoé Bridant, Eric Bouchet, Clémence Bruttin, Fabrice Rodriguez, Bruno Tassin, Johnny Gasperi
, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s11356-024-33774-0⟩
Fluorescence spectroscopy for tracking microbiological contamination in urban waterbodies
Natália Angelotti de Ponte Rodrigues, Rémi Carmigniani, Arthur Guillot-Le Goff, Françoise S Lucas, Claire Therial, Manel Naloufi, Aurélie Janne, Francesco Piccioni, Mohamed Saad, Philippe Dubois, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
, 2024, 6, ⟨10.3389/frwa.2024.1358483⟩
Séparation à la source des excrétats : bases pour des règles professionnelles
Florent Brun, Fabien Esculier, Bernard de Gouvello
, 2024, GE1029v1, ⟨10.51257/a-v1-ge1029⟩

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by Johnny Gasperi - published on , updated on

1. Hydrocarbons and metals in atmospheric deposition and roof runoff in central Paris. V. Rocher, S. Azimi, J. Gasperi, L. Beuvin, M. Muller, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 2004, 159 (1), 67-86.

2. Hydrocarbon loads from street cleaning practices: comparison with dry and wet weather flows in a Parisian combined sewer system. J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2005, 25 (2), 169-181.

3. Hydrocarbons and heavy metals fixed to lift station sediment of the Paris combined sewer network. J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, T. Célaudon, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Water and Science Technology 2005, 52 (3), 119-127.

4. Contribution of domestic effluents to hydrocarbon levels of dry weather flows in combined sewers. J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, S. Azimi, S. Garnaud, G. Varrault, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Urban Water Journal 2006, 3 (4), 225-233.

5. Spatial variability of PAH load of urban wet weather pollution in combined sewers. J. Gasperi, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Water Science and Technology 2006, 54 (6), 185-194.

6. Review on the hydrocarbon fate within combined sewers: case of the “Le Marais” urban catchment (1994 – 2005). J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2007, 27 (2), 123-141.

7. Priority pollutants in wastewaters and combined sewer overflows. J. Gasperi, S. Garnaud, V. Rocher, R. Moilleron. Science of the Total Environment 2008, 407 (1), 263-272.

8. Settling velocity of particulate pollutants from combined sewer wet weather discharges. MC. Gromaire, M. Kafi-Benyahia, J. Gasperi, M. Saad, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Water and Science Technology 2008, 58 (12), 2453-2465.

9. Spatial variability of the characteristics of conveyed wet weather pollutant loads in Paris. M. Kafi-Benyahia, J. Gasperi, R. Moilleron, M. C. Gromaire, G. Chebbo. Water Research 2008, 42 (3), 539-549.

10. Spatial variability of the pollutant load conveyed by dry weather flows within the Parisian combined sewers. J. Gasperi, M. Kafi-Benyahia, C. Lorgeoux, R. Moilleron, M. C. Gromaire, G. Chebbo. Urban Water Journal 2008, 5 (4), 305–314.

11. Priority pollutants in surface water and settleable particles within a heavily urbanized area: case of Paris (France). J. Gasperi, S. Garnaud, V. Rocher, R. Moilleron. Science of the Total Environment 2009, 407 (8), 2900-2908.

12. Settling velocity grading of particle bound PAHs: Case of wet weather flows within combined sewer systems. J. Gasperi, C. Lorgeoux, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Journal of Environmental Engineering 2009, 135 (11), 1155-1160.

13. Alkylphenol ethoxylates and bisphenol A in surface water within a heavily urbanized area such as Paris. M. Cladière, J. Gasperi, S. Gilbert, C. Lorgeoux, B. Tassin. Water Pollution X 2010, 131-142.

14. Contributions of wastewater, runoff and sewer deposit erosion to wet weather pollutant loads in combined sewer systems. J. Gasperi, M.C Gromaire, M. Kafi, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Water Research 2010, 44(20), 5875-5886.

15. Fate and spatial variations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the deposition within a heavily urbanized area: case of Paris (France). B. Muresan, C. Lorgeoux, J. Gasperi, R. Moilleron. Water Science and Technology 2010, 62(4), 822-828.

16. Occurrence and removal of priority pollutants by lamella clarification and biofiltration. J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, S. Gilbert, S. Azimi. Water Research 2010, 44 (10), 3065-3076.

17. Priority substances in combined sewer overflows - Case of the Parisian sewer network. J. Gasperi, S. Garnaud, V. Rocher, R. Moilleron. Water Science and Technology 2011, 63(5), 853-858.

18. 2Research of trace metals as markers of Entry Pathways in Combined Sewers. C. Gounou, G. Varrault, K. Amedzro, J. Gasperi, R. Moilleron, S. Garnaud, G. Chebbo. Water Science and Technology 2011, 63(4), 633-640.

19. Priority pollutants in urban stormwater - Case of combined sewers. J. Gasperi, S. Zgheib, M. Cladière, V. Rocher, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Water Research, special issue on urban stormwater 2012, 46(20), 6693-6703.

20. Municipal wastewater treatment by biofiltration: comparisons of various treatment layouts. Part 1: assessment of carbon and nitrogen removals. V. Rocher, C. Paffoni, A. Goncalves, S. Guérin, S. Azimi, J. Gasperi, R. Moilleron, A. Pauss. Water Science and Technology 2012, 65(9), 1705-1712.

21. Removal of alkyphenols and polybromodiphenylethers by a biofiltration treatment plant during dry and wet-weather periods. S. Gilbert, J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, C. Lorgeoux, G. Chebbo. Water Science and Technology 2012, 65(9), 1591-1598.

22. Meta-analysis of environmental contamination of endocrine disrupting compounds: case of alkylphenols. A. Bergé, M. Cladière, J. Gasperi, A. Coursimault, B. Tassin, R. Moilleron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2012, 19(9), 3798-819.

23. Treatment of combined sewer overflows by ballasted flocculation: removal study of a large broad spectrum of pollutants. J. Gasperi, B. Laborie, V. Rocher. Chemical Journal Engineering 2012, 211–212, 293–301.

24. Alkylphenolic compounds and bisphenol A contamination within a heavily urbanized area: case study of Paris. M. Cladière, J. Gasperi, C. Lorgeoux, C. Bonhomme, V. Rocher, B. Tassin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, 20(5), 2973- 2983.

25. Meta-analysis of environmental contamination by phthalates. A. Bergé, M. Cladière, J. Gasperi, A. Coursimault, B. Tassin, R. Moilleron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, 1-20(11), 8057-8076.

26. Biofiltration vs. conventional activated sludge plants: what about priority and emerging pollutants removal? R. Mailler, J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, S. Gilbert, D. Geara-Matta, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, in press.

27. Modelling the fate of nonylphenolic compounds in the Seine River - part 1: determination of in-situ biodegradation rate constants. M. Cladière, C. Bonhomme, L. Vilmin, J. Gasperi, N. Flipo, B. Tassin. Science of the total environment 2014, 468–469(0), 1050-1058.

28. Modelling the fate of nonylphenolic compounds in the Seine River - part 2: assessing the impact of global changes on annual time series. M. Cladière, C. Bonhomme, L. Vilmin, J. Gasperi, N. Flipo, F. Habets, B. Tassin. Science of the total environment 2014, 468–469(0), 1059-1068.

29. Micropollutants in urban stormwater: occurrence, concentrations, and atmospheric contributions for a wide range of contaminants in three French catchments. J. Gasperi, C. Sebastian, V. Ruban, S. Percot, L. Wiest, C. Mirande, E. Caupos, D. Demare, M. Diallo Kessoo, M. Saad, J. Schwartz, P. Dubois, C. Fratta, H. Wolff, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo, C. Cren, M. Millet, S. Barraud, MC. Gromaire. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014, in press.

30. Priority and emerging substances in sewage sludge and fate during sludge treatment. R. Mailler, J. Gasperi, G. Chebbo, V. Rocher. Waste Management 2014, 34, 1217-1226.

31. Sources of urban contamination by phtalates and alkylphenols – case of Parisian agglomeration (France). A. Bergé, J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, L. Gras, G. Chabance, A. Coursimault, R. Moilleron. Science of the total environment 2014, 488–489, 26–35.

32. First assessment of triclosan, triclocarban and paraben mass loads at a very large regional scale: case of Paris conurbation (France). J. Gasperi, D. Geara, C. lorgeoux, A. Bressy, S. Zedek, V. Rocher, A. El Samrani, G. Chebbo, R. Moilleron. Science of the total environment 2014, 493, 854–861.

33. Assessment of floating plastic debris in surface water along the Seine River. J. Gasperi, R. Dris, T. Bonin, V. Rocher, B. Tassin. Environmental Pollution 2014, 195, 163-166.

34. Assessment of the ecotoxicological risk of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) for an aquatic system using a coupled “substance and bioassay” approach. E. Goore Bi, F. Monette, J. Gasperi, Y. Perrodin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014, 22(6), 4460-4474.

35. Large-scale efficacy of powdered activated carbon to remove a wide range of emerging and priority micropollutants from wastewater treatment plant effluents. R. Mailler, J. Gasperi, Y. Coquet, S. Deshayes, S. Zedek, C. Cren-Olivé, N. Cartiser, V. Eudes, A. Bressy, E. Caupos, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo, V. Rocher. Water Research 2015, 72, 315-330.

36. Analysis of the influence of rainfall variables on urban effluents concentrations and fluxes in wet weather. E. Goore Bi, F. Monette, J. Gasperi. Journal of Hydrology 2015, 523, 320–332.

37. First investigations on the microplastic contamination in an urban area: the case of the Greater Paris. R. Dris, J. Gasperi, V. Rocher, M. Saad, B. Tassin. Enviromental chemistry 2015, sous presse.

38. Nitrite accumulation during denitrification depends on the carbon quality and quantity. V. Rocher, A. Laverman, J. Gasperi, C. Paffoni, A. Gonçalves, S. Azimi, S. Mottelet, A. Pauss. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22(13), 10179-10188.

39. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact of climate change on a combined sewer overflow and its receiving water body. E. Goore Bi, F. Monette, P. Gachon, J. Gasperi, Y Perrodin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, sous presse.

40. Beyond the ocean: Contamination of freshwater ecosystems with (micro-) plastic particles. R. Dris, H. Imhof, W. Sanchez, J. Gasperi, F. Galgani, B. Tassin, C. Laforsch. Enviromental chemistry 2015, sous presse.