Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (Leesu)

Recent publications

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Comprehensive analysis of a widely pharmaceutical, furosemide, and its degradation products in aquatic systems: Occurrence, fate, and ecotoxicity
Fidji Sandré, Régis Moilleron, Christophe Morin, Laure Garrigue-Antar
, 2024, 348, pp.123799. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123799⟩
Time-varying microplastic contributions of a large urban and industrial area to river sediments
E. Dhivert, J. Pruvost, T. Winiarski, Johnny Gasperi, F. Delor-Jestin, Bruno Tassin, B. Mourier
, 2024, 347, pp.123702. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123702⟩
COVID lockdown significantly impacted microplastic bulk atmospheric deposition rates
Max Beaurepaire, Johnny Gasperi, Bruno Tassin, Rachid Dris
, 2024, 344, pp.123354. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123354⟩
Fate of nitrogen in French human excreta: Current waste and agronomic opportunities for the future
Thomas Starck, Tanguy Fardet, Fabien Esculier
, 2024, 912, pp.168978. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168978⟩
Supporting the Design of On-Site Infiltration Systems: From a Hydrological Model to a Web App to Meet Pluriannual Stormwater Volume Reduction Targets
Jérémie Sage, Emmanuel Berthier, Marie-Christine Gromaire, Ghassan Chebbo
, 2024, 29 (3), ⟨10.1061/JHYEFF.HEENG-6092⟩

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The Guardian: "Plastic fibres found in tap water"

by Daniel Thevenot - published on , updated on

The Guardian: "Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals" 6 september 2017

by Damian Carrington, Environment editor

Exclusive: Tests show billions of people globally are drinking water contaminated by plastic particles, with 83% of samples found to be polluted

We are living on a plastic planet. What does it mean for our health?

Les travaux du LEESU sur les microplastiques sont cités à deux reprises dans cet article en ligne

Tap water is widely contaminated by plastic

The scale of global microplastic contamination is only starting to become clear, with studies in Germany finding fibres and fragments in all of the 24 beer brands they tested, as well as in honey and sugar. In Paris in 2015, researchers discovered microplastic falling from the air, which they estimated deposits three to 10 tonnes of fibres on the city each year, and that it was also present in the air in people’s homes.


“We really think that the lakes [and other water bodies] can be contaminated by cumulative atmospheric inputs,” said Johnny Gasperi, at the University Paris-Est Créteil, who did the Paris studies. “What we observed in Paris tends to demonstrate that a huge amount of fibres are present in atmospheric fallout.”


View online : The Guardian: Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals